marine_habitats / api_country_coral_reef_prot_unprot

APIs metadata, documentation and preview (only available if no parameters are required ).

Total extent of coral reefs per country in square kilometers, protected, and unprotected It is also possible to view the percentages relative to protection by country retrieving the attribute for ISO3.Source dataset: UNEP-WCMC, WorldFish Centre, WRI, TNC (2021). Global distribution of warm-water coral reefs, compiled from multiple sources including the Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project. Version 4.1. Includes contributions from IMaRS-USF and IRD (2005), IMaRS-USF (2005) and Spalding et al. (2001). Cambridge (UK): UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Data DOI:

This function needs some compulsory parameters to be displayed, please read the documentation of this function.
Use the API:

If functions' parameters are not compulsory try to call the function without arguemnts:

If function parameters are compulsory, put them after the last slash separated by commas if more than one:
Optional Arguments

Filter returned fields in the url query using field names separated by comma, eg:,field_name2,...

Limit returned records in the url query using the limit parameter, eg:
or remove the limit argument to display all of them (might take some time for large datasets).
By default limit is set to 50 records.

Please read the comment on function on how to use properly this API or for parameters default/examples values.