protection_level / api_region_desig_eng

APIs metadata, documentation and preview (only available if no parameters are required ).

Returns a set of Region Desig data for the specified regions.


Displaying all results.

desig_eng region_acp sum
Stewardship Area None 2623
Scenic Reserve None 1727
National Park None 2225
Conservation Park None 668
Nature Reserve None 24627
Ecological Area None 113
Scientific Reserve None 105
Sanctuary Area None 14
Local Purpose Reserve None 5
Conservation Area None 2290
Conservation Covenant None 1803
Wilderness Area None 579
Marine Reserve None 78
Wildlife Management Area None 1853
Marine Protected Area None 1076
Benthic Protection Area None 20
Nature Sanctuary or Partial Reserve None 130
National Park CAR 139
Indigenous Area None 708
Cultural Heritage Landscape None 27
Protected Area CAR 11
Marine Managed Area CAR 8
Ecological Reserve CAR 36
Plant Preserve CAR 1
Municipal Protected Area None 25
Ecological Protection Park None 1
Municipal Reserve None 5
Natural Monument None 10419
Natural Integrated Management Area None 12
National Natural Integrated Management Area None 1
National Wildlife Reserve None 2
Wildlife Reserve None 143
Andean Fauna National Reserve and National Park None 1
Wildlife Sanctuary None 404
Regional Park None 90
Tourist Natural Monument None 1
Watershed Protection Area None 35
Archaeological Park None 2
Immobilization Reserve None 1
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance None 2033
Classified Forest WAF 534
Wildlife Refuge None 428
Te Urewera None 2
Strict Nature Reserve None 110
Nacionalni Park None 2
Closed Seamount Area None 17
Government Reserve None 17
Specially Protected Area None 32
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed) None 200
Bird Sanctuary None 53
Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (Barcelona Convention) None 34
Municipal Natural Park None 2
Hunting Reserve None 10
Landscape Protection Area None 9242
Marine Protected Area (OSPAR) None 494
National Park WAF 78
Hunting Zone WAF 3
Natural Reserve None 65
Specially Protected Area (Cartagena Convention) None 19
National Marine Park None 5
Marine Park None 227
Park None 1582
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve None 515
Marine Reserve CAR 31
Fishery Reserve CAR 2
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance CAR 26
Marine Park CAR 8
Special Nature Reserve None 14
Protected Area fr sustainable use of natural resources None 1
State Nature Reserve None 912
Ecological Park None 12
Natural Archaeological Monument None 1
Biopark None 1
Metropolitan Park None 1
Wildlife and Forest Preserve None 1
National Historical Park None 15
Area of Immobilization None 4
Municipal Park None 45
Environmental Protection Area None 443
Private Protected Area None 10
Integrated Management Natural Area None 2
Indigenous Territory None 2
Cultural Heritage Landscape and National Park None 1
Immobilization Forestry and Water Zone None 1
Municipal Sanctuary None 1
Andean Fauna National Reserve None 1
National Flora and Fauna Reserve None 1
Biological Reserve None 121
Biosphere Reserve None 59
National Park and Integrated Management Natural Area None 1
National Park and Indigenous Territory None 1
Biosphere Reserve and Indigenous Territory None 1
Fiscal Reserve None 1
Departmental Reserve None 1
National Park and Natural Integrated Management Area None 1
National Historic Park None 1
Scientific Ecological and Archaeological Reserve None 1
Departmental Park None 1
National Heritage Ecological Reserve None 1
Natural Park and Integrated Management Area None 1
Natural Integrated Management Area and Departmental Parkl None 1
Natural Integrated Management Area and National Park None 2
Indigenous Reserve None 19
Forest Reserve None 719
Game Sanctuary SAF 1
Water Dam PAC 2
Wildlife Refuge CAR 70
Protected Area None 386
Historic Site CAR 1
Private Forest Reserve CAR 1
Nature Reserve CAR 59
Grouper Spawning Site None 8
Conservation Reserve PAC 1
National Park and ASEAN Heritage Park None 6
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance SAF 86
Forest Reserve SAF 694
National Park SAF 186
Game Reserve SAF 6
Bird Sanctuary SAF 5
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed) SAF 12
Iguana Nesting Site None 1
Mahogany Estates None 1
Replenishment Zone None 15
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance WAF 116
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve WAF 25
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed) WAF 7
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed) CAR 7
Q.E. II Botanic Park None 1
Natural Park WAF 6
The Marshes None 1
Specially Protected Area (Cartagena Convention) CAR 10
Baltic Sea Protected Area (HELCOM) None 177
Underwater Park None 3
Blue Iguana Reserve None 1
Booby Pond Nature Reserve None 1
Brac Parrot Reserve None 1
Brac Splits None 1
Central Mangrove Wetland None 1
Environmental Zone None 1
Governor Michael Gore Bird Sanctuary None 1
Animal Sanctuary None 2
Currently Unnamed None 1
Mastic Reserve None 1
Mission House None 1
No Diving Zones None 2
Salina Reserve None 1
Salt Rocks Land None 1
Prohibited Scuba Diving Zone None 1
Wildlife Interaction Zone None 2
Marine protected landscape EAF 3
Sparrowhawk Hill None 1
Terrestrial protected area EAF 2
National Park and Ecological Reserve CAR 1
Area protected for habitat and species EAF 1
Forest Reserve CAR 163
Multiple Use Management Area None 11
Protected Landscape None 444
Nature Conservation Reserve None 277
Developing Resources Protected Area None 1
Geological Protected Area None 1
Natural Heritage Protected Area None 1
Locally Managed Marine Area PAC 117
ICCA None 3
Private Nature Reserve None 12912
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance PAC 10
Forerst Reserve PAC 1
National Park PAC 18
Nature Reserve PAC 11
Forest Reserve PAC 6
Heritage Park PAC 1
Forest Park PAC 1
Iguana Sanctuary PAC 1
Nature Reserve and Marine Reserve PAC 1
Recreation Reserve PAC 5
Wildland reserve None 9
Forest Reserve EAF 1574
National Scenic Area None 42
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance EAF 28
Forest Reserve WAF 1413
National Nature Reserve, Wetland of International Importance, Site of Community Importance, Special Protection Area Site of Community Importance None 1
Country Park None 23
National Park - Buffer Zone None 11
Marine-Coastal National Park None 1
National Natural Monument None 18
Wildlife Reserve - Buffer Zone None 3
Fish Sanctuary CAR 9
Community Nature Reserve EAF 28
Community Conservancy EAF 21
Private Nature Reserve EAF 1
Private Protected Area EAF 2
Private Ranch EAF 4
Community Wildlife Sanctuary EAF 1
Wildlife Sanctuary EAF 10
Group Ranch EAF 1
Marine National Park None 54
Not Reported EAF 5
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed) EAF 11
Complex National Zakaznik Wildlife Refuge None 1
Nature Park None 228
Protected Area PAC 44
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed) PAC 3
Historic Area CAR 7
Multiple Sustainable Use Reserve WAF 1
National Forest Park WAF 1
Nature Reserve WAF 8
Nature / Wildlife Reserve CAR 1
Protected Landscape CAR 29
Protected Forest / Forest Reserve CAR 1
Marine Management Area / Marine Reserve CAR 3
National Park and Marine Management Area CAR 2
Conservation Forest None 62
Local Fisheries Marine Management Area CAR 1
Nature Reserve and Marine Reserve CAR 1
Environmental Protection Area CAR 1
National Landmark CAR 1
Reserved Forest None 384
Sanctuary None 330
Game Reserve None 94
Major Wildlife Habitat None 37
Other Area None 20
Locally Managed Marine Area None 28
Other State Forest None 23
National Heritage Wilderness Area None 1
Jungle Corridor None 1
Open Space Covenant None 4680
Conservation Area PAC 48
Nature Reserve SAF 1476
State Nature Monument None 113
Islet National Park SAF 8
Protected Forest None 26
Fishery Reserve SAF 5
Marine Park SAF 3
Ancient Monument SAF 1
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve SAF 30
Endemic garden SAF 1
Wildlife Reserve SAF 4
Game Reserve WAF 43
Wildlife Sanctuary WAF 7
Strict Nature Reserve WAF 12
Regional Zakaznik None 1815
State Zakaznik None 272
Community Forest WAF 4
Protection Forest None 7
Not Reported None 663
Private Reserve None 22
Coastal Park None 4
Marine Recreation Park None 21
Not Reported WAF 19
Reserve None 302
Military Reserve None 2
Inviolable Sanctuary None 2
Hima/Recreation Area None 1
Hima/BR None 2
Geo-park None 1
Hima/RUR None 2
Natural Park None 273
Eco-Park None 2
Wildife Park None 1
Resource Use Reserve None 14
National Park EAF 111
Game Reserve EAF 33
Nature Park CAR 1
Multiple Use Management Area CAR 4
Area of Historical Interest None 7
Ecological Conservation None 96
Zapovednik None 9
Zakaznik None 54
Wetland Zone of National Importance None 46
Faunal Reserve None 4
Bird Reserve None 2
Multiple Use Area None 21
Wildlife Reserve CAR 19
Local Nature Reserve None 1811
Site Of Special Scientific Interest (Gb) None 6622
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve EAF 16
Nature Zapovednik None 15
National Biosphere Zapovednik None 4
Regional Nature Monument None 1919
Regional Landscape Park None 19
National Nature Park None 1
Marine Conservation Area CAR 1
Marine Park / Marine Reserve / Wildlife Reserve CAR 1
Marine Conservation Area / Wildlife Reserve CAR 1
Protected Landscape and Seascape CAR 1
Wildlife Reserve / Marine Park CAR 1
Marine Reserve / Marine Conservation Area / Wildlife Reserve CAR 1
Fisheries Protected None 9
Ecological Reserve None 497
Nature Monument None 1932
Species Management Area None 5
Cultural Landmark CAR 6
Habitat Management Area None 15
Landscape/Seascape None 13
Managed Resource None 3
Cultural and Historical Site None 42
Special Use Forest None 1
Protected Nature Area None 7
Wetland Protected Area None 38
Forest Conservation Area PAC 20
Marine Protected Area PAC 49
Marine Reserve PAC 6
Reserve PAC 30
Protected landscape None 3
Provincial Park None 575
Municipal Nature Park None 7
Scenic Area None 30
Natural Private Reserve None 36
Other Categories None 6
Managed Resource Reserve None 5
Ecological SSI None 24
Flora and Fauna Reserve None 2
Forest Preserve PAC 2
Locally managed protected area None 10
Scientific Monument None 1
Undesigned None 29
Nature Recreation Park None 143
Nature Forest Reserve None 1
Grand Forest Park None 37
Private Refuge None 2
Intangible Nature Reserve None 3
Sandbank and Lagoon areas None 3
Hunting Park None 11
Marine Nature Reserve None 27
Coastal and Small Island Park None 2
Island, Reef and Lagoon areas None 7
Reef areas protected None 23
Marine Nature Recreation Park None 5
Fisheries Reserve None 5
Small Island Reserve None 1
Small Island Park None 2
Protection of Maritime Culture None 1
District Marine Protected Areas None 8
Marine Wildlife Reserves None 1
Marine Conservation Area None 15
Marine Management Area None 8
Municipal Nature Reserve None 4
Private Wildlife Refuge None 12
Marine Managed Area PAC 35
Provincial Refuge None 1
Nature Reserve of Define Objects None 1
Ichthyic Reserve None 1
Multiple Use Reserve None 19
Cultural Nature Reserve None 1
Experimental Area None 1
University Park None 1
Provincial Nature Reserve None 9
Multiple Use Nature Reserve None 13
Provincial Reserve None 20
Integral Nature Reserve None 4
Mixed Integral Nature Reserve None 1
Tourist and Forest Provincial Reserve None 1
Tourist Nature Reserve None 10
Nature Fauna Reserve None 1
Spawning Aggregation Site Reserves CAR 11
Multiple Use Provincial Reserve None 6
Provincial Park and Forest Reserve None 1
Nature and Cultural Reserve None 2
Flora and Fauna Reserve with Managed Resources None 1
Nature Water Reserve None 1
Provincial Water Reserve None 1
Provincial Nature Park and Natural Forest Reserve None 1
Total Reserve None 1
Provincial Nature Monument None 1
Tourist and Scientific Research Nature Reserve None 1
Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve None 1
Protected Nature Area - Protected Landscape None 1
Nature Historical and Cultural Heritage Site None 1
Reserve with purposes of public utility None 1
Limited Use Area Under Special Protection None 4
Hydrological Reserve None 10
Provincial Faunal Reserve None 1
Urban Nature Reserve None 1
Nature Wildlife Reserve None 1
Ecological and Forest Reserve None 1
Cultural and Nature Reserve None 1
Protected Landscape Reserve None 1
Scientific Nature Reserve None 1
Provincial Reserve and Park None 1
Urban Multiple Use Nature Reserve None 1
Reserva Pública None 1
Managed Nature Reserve None 2
Provincial Nature Park None 2
University Resource Reserve None 1
Natural Water Reserve None 2
Private Multiple Use Reserve None 3
Reserva Hídrica Natural None 1
Protected Nature and Cultural and Landscape Reserve None 1
Multiple Use Municipal Ecological Reserve None 1
Marine Conservation Area PAC 4
Community Conserved Area PAC 3
Marine Protected Area/Tabu PAC 24
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve CAR 8
Other Area CAR 3
Nature monument None 13
Managed Natural Resources Protected Area CAR 3
Protection of Biological Diversity CAR 1
Zone Management Area PAC 9
Exceptional Natural Element CAR 1
Fishery Reserve PAC 1
Bird Sanctuary PAC 2
Wildlife Conservation Area PAC 1
Marine Sanctuary PAC 2
Co-Management Area PAC 10
CA Set Aside PAC 2
Recreation Zone PAC 1
State Waters PAC 1
Fishing Zone PAC 1
State Park None 731
Sanctuary PAC 1
Community Conservation Area PAC 15
Multi/Multiple Use Conservation Area PAC 10
Special Management Area PAC 6
State Reserve None 103
City Park None 84
Not Reported PAC 4
Conservation Easement None 9662
Ecological Conservation Area None 36
Ecological Conservation Zone None 4
Area Subject to Ecological Conservation None 2
Patrimonial Reserve None 2
Natural protected area and ecological reserve None 1
Nassau Grouper & Species Protection CAR 2
Natural Reserve PAC 1
Protection Zone None 4
Special Protection Zone None 2
Wildlife Management Area PAC 33
Restoration Zone None 1
Biotic Reserve None 1
Dive site None 3
Habitat/Species Management Area None 11
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve CAF 12
Biosphere Reserve CAF 3
Nature reserve CAF 23
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed) CAF 10
Ecological Preservation None 4
Sustainable Use Area None 10
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance CAF 50
Ecological Restoration Area None 4
Conservation Reserve None 364
Ecological Restoration None 1
Island, Mangrove and Reef areas None 1
Dive site with island None 2
Lagoon, Reef and Dive site areas None 1
Special Botanical Reserve None 14
Open area EAF 24
Island, Lagoon, Reef and Dive Site None 2
Wildlife Sanctuary and ASEAN Heritage Park None 5
Geo-features Significant Area None 1
Marine National Park and ASEAN Heritage Park None 1
Cultural and Heritage Park PAC 1
Taboo PAC 2
Reserved Forest PAC 1
Marine Natural Reserve PAC 2
Terrestrial Protected Area PAC 4
Game Management Area SAF 36
Special Marine Reserve None 11
Wildlife Sanctuary SAF 2
Mangrove and Wetland areas None 4
State Nature Sanctuary None 18
Special Fauna Reserve None 5
Territorial Park None 18
Special Fauna and Flora Reserve None 1
Integral nature reserve None 5
Nature reserve None 350
Seasonal nature reserve None 2
Faunal Reserve CAF 18
Seasonal integral nature reserve None 1
Wildlife Sanctuary PAC 6
Provincial Park PAC 1
Mangrove, Island, Reef and Lagoon areas protected None 1
Natural Reserve - National Park PAC 1
Integral nature reserve WAF 1
Partial Natural Reserve WAF 1
Scientific Reserve WAF 1
Natural Reserve WAF 2
Partial Faunal Reserve WAF 1
Voluntary Nature Reserve WAF 1
Botanical Reserve WAF 3
Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve CAR 9
Strictly Protected Area None 20
Public Reserve CAR 6
Game controlled area EAF 19
Mangrove and Wetland areas protected None 2
Beach and lagoon areas protected None 1
Marine Park EAF 2
Natural Monument CAR 35
Marine Reserve EAF 2
Archaeological Reserve CAR 16
Conservation Area EAF 4
Wildlife Management Area EAF 14
Hunting Area CAF 18
Wildlife Reserve CAF 12
National Park CAF 69
Island and Reef areas protected None 4
Sanctuary and Closed Forest Reserve EAF 1
Marine Park CAF 9
Historic Site None 34
Nature Monument CAF 2
Aquatic Reserve CAF 11
Wetland and Water bodies areas protected None 1
Protected Landscape CAF 5
Reef and Giri areas protected None 1
Classified Forest CAF 15
Special Reserve CAF 1
Integral nature reserve CAF 1
Reef, Lagoon and Sand bank areas protected None 1
Forest Reserve CAF 2
Private Reserve CAF 1
Scientific Reserve CAF 3
Community Reserve CAF 3
Primate Nature Reserve CAF 1
Wildlife Management Area CAF 1
Private Reserve CAR 8
Hunting Reserve CAF 1
Reef and Channel areas protected None 1
Marine Park Buffer Zone CAF 9
Presidential Reserve CAF 1
Cultural Monument None 9
Natural Monument CAF 2
Anthropological and Forest Reserve None 2
Marine Natural Monument None 1
Resource Reserve None 107
Water Production Reserve None 2
Botanical Garden and Research Center None 1
Island None 2
Mangrove, Wetland and Reef areas None 3
Island (Mangrove, Wetland, Reef and lagoon) areas None 2
Natural Park CAF 2
Buffer Zone CAF 2
Hunting reserve CAF 1
Faunal reserve CAF 1
Wildlife Reserve EAF 27
Community Wildlife Management Area EAF 5
Partial Fauna Reserve WAF 1
National Sanctuary EAF 5
National Reserve EAF 29
Marine National Park EAF 6
Sites of Special Significance None 10
Marine National Reserve EAF 6
Wildlife Sanctuary CAR 8
Mangrove Reserve CAR 1
Resource Reserve WAF 6
Managed Resource Use Area CAR 6
Natural Heritage Park None 2
Open Space QEII National Trust Property None 14
Biodiversity Corridor of Protected Area None 3
Natural Protected Area None 84
Natural Area None 1359
Terrestrial Protected Landscape None 14
Resource Management Area PAC 3
Protected Area with Managed Resources None 5
Protection and Restoration Area None 8
Faunal Reserve WAF 6
Species/Habitat Management Area None 1
Private Natural Protected Area None 2
Natural resource management area WAF 4
Marine National Park WAF 1
Faunal Migratory Corridor WAF 3
Hunting Reserve WAF 2
Zone de pêche réservée WAF 1
Marine Community Protected Area WAF 1
Forest Plantation EAF 23
Nature Reserve EAF 3
Nature Forest Reserve EAF 19
Heritage Coast None 46
Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty None 39
Marine Conservation Zone None 99
National Nature Reserve None 838
Area Of Special Scientific Interest (Ni) None 394
Genetic Resources Reserve None 2
Biosphere Reserve (RB) None 2
Forest Reserve (RF) None 14
Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area None 30
Marine National Park SAF 11
Local Area Planning CAR 14
Private Natural Reserve None 185
Wetland None 133
National Wildlife Refuge None 770
Natural Monument (MN) None 37
Managed Flora Reserve CAR 42
National Park (PN) None 43
Natural Outstanding Element CAR 33
Permanent closure zone None 30
Hunting Reserve SAF 21
Regional Municipal Park None 74
Protective Zone (ZP) None 64
National Natural Park None 50
Integrated Management Regional Districts None 106
Regional Protective Forest Reserves None 96
Forest Area Under Protection (ABBP) None 43
Civil Society Nature Reserve None 912
Regional Natural Parks None 60
Classified Forest and Partial Wildlife Reserve WAF 7
Community Protected Area WAF 12
Classified Forest and Total Wildlife Reserve WAF 1
Wetland Reserve WAF 1
Sandbank None 1
Dive Site None 1
State Natural Zakaznik None 2057
Marine Conservation Zone PAC 8
National Park and Wildlife Reserve None 1
Waterfowl Sanctuary None 5
Not designated None 3
Dendrological Park and Botanical Garden None 34
Mangroves and Wetland areas None 2
Sanctuary SAF 11
National Reserve SAF 4
Special Reserve SAF 31
Ecological park SAF 1
Buffer Zone SAF 5
Critical Area with Treatment Priority (ACPT) None 7
Environmental Protection and Recovery Area (APRA) None 6
National Protective Forest Reserves None 59
Cultural Historical Heritage Site (SPHC) None 2
State Natural Zapovednik None 61
Tourist Interest Area (ZIT) None 21
Reserve Area for the Construction of Dams and Reservoirs (ZRCE) None 2
Voluntary Reserve None 1
Demonstration And Research Marine Protected Area None 1
Historical Monument None 3
Protected Zone None 33
Protected Biotope None 6
Agricultural Development Zone (ZAA) None 6
Tract None 20
Wildlife Reserve (REFA) None 7
Hunting Area WAF 7
Educational and Scientific Station None 1
Watershed Protection Reserve None 2
Protected Coastline None 1
Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Ni) None 8
Protected Natural Complex None 20
The Quiet Zone None 15
Total Wildlife Reserve WAF 9
Chimpanzee Sanctuary WAF 1
Fauna and Flora Sanctuary None 10
Soil Conservation Districts None 16
Integrated Management National Districts None 4
Wildlife Refuge (RFS) None 7
State Landscape Zakaznik None 38
State Regional Nature Park None 1
State National Nature Park None 14
Protected Natural Landscape None 114
Protected Water Body None 14
Memorable Natural Places None 18
Designated Protected Area CAR 2
Surveyed/Undesignated Protected Area CAR 14
Shell Reserve SAF 4
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty SAF 8
Wetland Park WAF 1
Community Wildlife Reserve WAF 1
Bird Reserve WAF 2
Protected SAF 1
Scientific Research Park None 1
Priority Area of Interest CAR 8
Multiple Use Protected Area CAR 1
Marine Protected Area / Protected Land and Seascape CAR 1
National Monument None 121
Marine Biological Reserve None 1
Marine Park PAC 1
Wildlife Sanctuary CAF 9
Area of Absolute Protection CAF 1
Absolute Natural Reserve None 1
Municipal Forest Reserve None 2
Recreational natural municipal park None 1
Protected Tract None 7
Natural Reserve CAR 4
Protected Area of Managed Resources CAR 19
Especially Valuable Territory None 15
Spring None 6
Special Protection Area (Birds Directive) None 5398
Cultural Park None 5
Water and Forest Reserve None 1
Regional Park and Natural Recreational Area None 1
Buffer Zone WAF 2
Specially Protected Geological Object None 1
Partial Wildlife Reserve WAF 4
Community Conservation Area SAF 3
Environmental Protection Area SAF 2
marine protected area PAC 1
Deep Water Marine Coast (CMAP) None 1
Rural Integrated Development Area (ARDI) None 5
National Hydraulic Reserve (RNH) None 14
Wildlife Sanctuary (SFS) None 1
State Natural Protected Zone None 5
Flora Sanctuary None 1
Recreation Area None 136
Fauna Sanctuary None 1
Unique Natural Area None 1
Park Way None 1
Conservancy EAF 2
Classified Forest and Ranch WAF 1
Sylvo-pastoral Reserve and Partial Wildlife Reserve WAF 1
Ecological Corridor WAF 2
Tourist and Recreational Area None 13
Not Defined None 43
Recreation Zone None 23
Natural Recreational Complex None 4
Nature-Historical Park None 10
Forest Park None 34
Protected Natural Object None 22
Natural Cultural and Memorial Park None 1
Landscape Park None 186
Recreation Territory None 5
Forestpark None 1
Ecological and Recreational Zone None 1
Protected Green and Forest Area None 1
State Natural Zoological Zakaznik None 11
Park Zone None 12
Natural Recreational Zone None 14
Liman-Flooded Complex None 1
Coastal Natural Complex None 2
Historical and Natural Complex None 13
Wetlands None 183
Natural Mikrozapovednik None 2
Coastal Recreation Zone None 1
Specially Protected Water Body None 3
State Hunting Zakaznik None 1
Territory of Traditional Nature Use None 1
Specially Protected Natural Landscape None 1
State Zoological Zakaznik-Reservat None 5
Green Zone None 3
Historical-Cultural and Natural Museum-Zapovednik None 1
Ecological Corridor None 8
Nursery None 2
Unique Lake None 18
Recreational Area None 16
Emerald Network None 1200
Marine Protection Zone None 1
National Wildlife Protection Area None 86
Historical-Landscape Complex None 1
Locally Managed Marine Area SAF 27
Forest Ecosystem Reserve None 31
Rare Population Protected Forest None 539
Biocenosis Protected Forest None 95
Prefectural Natural Park None 308
Prefectural Wildlife Protection Area None 3666
Park of Culture and Rest None 1
Urban (Township) Park of Culture and Rest None 1
Historical and Cultural Monument None 1
Permanent Hunting Reserve None 217
Mikrozakaznik None 1
Game Refuge and Bird Sanctuary None 3
Natural National Park CAR 7
Conservation Area WAF 1
Natural Biotic Area None 4
Protected Landscape and Seascape None 21
Watershed Forest Reserve None 47
Watershed Reservation None 5
Protected seascape EAF 3
Mangrove Swamp Forest Reserve None 22
Managed Resource Protected Area None 1
Bird and Fish Sanctuary None 1
ASEAN Heritage Park None 12
Watershed None 115
Watershed and Forest Range None 2
Wetland Park None 1
Marine Resource Reserve None 1
Parks and Wildlife Center None 1
Protected Seascape None 4
Protected Lanscape None 1
Wildlife Reserve WAF 5
Marine Protected Area WAF 16
Urban Nature Reserve WAF 1
Community Nature Reserve WAF 2
Private conservation area None 1
Strict Nature Reserve SAF 2
New Protected Area SAF 4
Paysage Harmonieux Protégé SAF 16
Nouvelle Aire Protégée SAF 1
Quasi National Park None 58
Natural Park SAF 1
Réserve de Ressources Naturelles SAF 1
Reserve de ressource naturel SAF 1
Marine Protected Area Network None 31
Critical Habitat None 5
Indigenous Community Conserved Area None 6
Flora Sanctuary CAF 1
Strict Nature Reserve CAF 2
Special Areas of Conservation (Habitats Directive) None 19704
No or Non - Hunting Forest Reserve WAF 3
Game Sanctuary / Non-hunting Forest Reserve WAF 1
Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources EAF 2
Marine national park EAF 1
Indigenous reserve None 1
Sanctuary EAF 7
National park EAF 1
Protected area EAF 1
Protected landscape EAF 1
Habitat and species management area EAF 1
Nature Conservation Area None 318
Natural Habitat Conservation Area None 9
Green Corridor None 24
Protected Water Surface None 52
Coastline Marine Resource Development Area, designated sea area None 30
Common fishery right area None 39
Prefectural Nature Conservation Area None 543
Sites of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) None 3845
Biological and Ecological Interest Site None 97
Widlife Reserve None 1
Offshore Seabed Nature Conservation Area None 4
Marine Protected Area (MPA) None 3
La Ilusión Nature Reserve None 1
Andakí Municipal Nature Park None 1
Forest reserve None 1
Fisheries Prohibited Area None 5
Turtle Sanctuary None 7
Sea Cucumber Protection Area None 1
Forest Management Area CAR 13
Protected Area of Managed Resources None 2
Multiple Use Areas None 4
Area of Managed Resources None 4
Without Category Defined None 23
Water Reserve None 9
Protective Forest None 2
Biological Corridor None 1
Hydrological Protection Zone None 1
Wild Area None 22
Not defined None 1
Protected Forest and Landscape None 1
National Sanctuary None 9
Private Conservation Area None 148
Nature Reserve (Jan Mayen) None 1
Protected by conservation order, excl. Church surroundings None 381
Certified Nature Reserve (Walloon Region) None 178
Protected Site None 574
Marine Protected Area (CCAMLR) None 6
Controlled Hunting Area EAF 39
Special Management Area None 5
National Reserve None 64
Voluntary Conservation Area None 380
Regional Conservation Area None 32
Open Hunting Area EAF 3
National Forest Priority Area EAF 57
Nature Sanctuary None 143
Flora and Fauna Protection Area None 41
Marine and Coastal Protected Area None 13
Managed Reserve None 58
Nature management plan type 4 (Flemish Region) None 124
Nature reserve zone in National Park None 26
Certified Nature Reserve (Flemish Region) None 301
Village Land Forest Reserve EAF 30
Privately Protected Area None 1
POMCA None 4
La Reseda Nature Reserve None 1
Game Sanctuary CAR 14
Zoning None 1
Biological Corridor 1 (JKSNR-JDNP) None 1
Biological Corridor 2 (JDNP - JSWNP) None 1
Biological Corridor 3 (JSWNP-RMNP-PWS) None 1
Game Reserve CAR 4
Biological Corridor 4 (PNP-JSWNP-RMNP) None 1
Biological Corridor 5 (RMNP-JWS) None 1
Biological Corridor 7 (PNP-BWS-WCNP) None 1
Biological Corridor 8 (JSWNP-JDNP-WCNP) None 1
Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary None 1
Marine Park CAR 1
Jigme Dorji National Park None 1
Environmental Protection CAR 1
Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve None 1
Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park None 1
Jomotsangkha Wildlife Sanctuary None 1
Phrumsengla National Park None 1
Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary None 1
Royal Botanical Park None 1
Royal Manas National Park None 1
Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary None 1
Wangchuck Centennial National Park None 1
Biological Corridor 6 (JWS-SWS) None 1
Scientific Interest Site (Walloon Region) None 153
Parque Nacional None 1
Conservation District None 1
Community Conserved Area None 1
Reserve forest None 1
Natural Resources Protection Area None 9
Resource Management Protected Area None 34
Wildlife Conservation Area None 176
National Park (category II) None 15
§3 protected habitats (all lakes, bogs, streams, heaths and meadows etc.) None 194
State Nature Reserve (Walloon Region) None 239
Restricted Zone None 8
Historic Sanctuary None 4
Communal Reserve None 10
Hunting Preserve None 2
Landscape Reserve None 198
Nature management plan type 3 (Flemish Region) None 71
Protected Landscape Area None 442
Protected Landscape Section None 325
Protected areas with sustainable use of natural resources None 1
Wildlife Refugee None 603
National Forest Park None 11
Permanent Game Reserve Area None 13
Areas of Special Aesthetic Value None 4
UNESCO Global Geopark None 1
Nature Reserve (Antarctic) None 1
Coasts and Areas for Nature Protection None 11
Wildlife/Botanical Conservation Area None 8
RAMSAR Wetland None 2
Woodland key habitat None 14421
Protected Natural Objects of local importance None 18
Botanical Conservation Area None 26
National Park (Svalbard) None 7
Nature Reserve (Svalbard) None 22
Habitat management area None 12
Flora Protection Area None 5
Absolute nature reserve zone in National Park None 6
Core zone in National (Woodland) Park None 10
Protected Geotope (Svalbard) None 1
Nature Place (National Interest) None 7
Natural Monuments and landmarks (protected as strict nature reserve) None 9
Aesthetic Forest None 19
Zoological Protection of Species None 34
Botanical Protection of Species None 4
Nature reserve area None 9
Flemish Ecological Network (Flemish Region) None 232
Extended forest management plan (Flemish Region) None 5
Nature management plan type 2 (Flemish Region) None 111
landscape and nature protection area None 4
Significant Landscape None 79
Turtle Nesting Beach None 1
Regional Nature Reserve (Flemish Region) None 60
Protected landscape (nature park) None 151
Absolute Nature Reserve area None 4
Protected Habitat None 6
Protected significant natural formation, protected landscape and landscape elements None 3
Absolute nature reserve zone in National Marine Park None 1
Marine Strategy Area None 9
National Park - Peripheral zone None 13
Nature reserve zone in National Marine Park None 3
Others None 184
special conservation areas None 8
Forest Reserve (Flemish Region) None 47
Game breeding station None 21
Nature reserve area - Peripheral zone None 2
Military zones (Flemish Region) None 24
Certified Forest Reserve (Flemish Region) None 17
Nature Monument (Category III IUCN) None 749
Managed Nature Reserve (category IV IUCN) None 25
Ecological Development Area None 3
protected biotopes None 3
Forest Reserve (Walloon Region) None 20
National (Woodland) Park - Peripheral zone None 5
Biosphere Park None 12
National Nature Monument None 181
regional protected areas None 10
Protected zone in the forest (Brussels Capital Region) None 4
Regional nature reserve (Brussels Capital Region) None 13
Protected Dunes (Flemish Region) None 104
Certified Nature Reserve (Brussels Capital Region) None 3
Monument of nature and natural features IIIb (FBIH law) None 8
Nature Monument (RS law) None 14
Strict Nature Reserve (category I) None 2
Resource Reserve (category VI) None 4
Botanical/Zoological Protection of Species None 1
National Park II (RS law) None 3
Protected Landscape (category V IUCN) None 5
Contract Protected Area None 52
Rest Area None 10
Protected Natural Landscape V.1 (RS law) None 4
Forest Reserve (Brussels Capital Region) None 2
ex-lege landscape protection None 1
Special Reserve None 79
Controlled hunting area None 7
Managed conservation zone of nature reserve None 433
National Marine Park - Peripheral zone None 1
Limited-conservation area None 315
Wilderness conservation zone of national park None 72
Limited management zone of protected landscape None 589
Protected Landscape - Terrestial landscape - marine landscape (FBIH law) None 4
Protected nature monument None 1080
Managed conservation zone of protected landscape None 227
Unzoned protected area None 108
Limited management zone of nature reserve None 183
Wilderness conservation zone of nature reserve None 182
Horticultural Monument None 236
Managed conservation zone of national park None 121
National Park (FBIH law) None 1
Protected cultural landscape V.2 (RS law) None 2
Wilderness conservation zone of protected landscape None 79
Limited management zone of national park None 43
Natural object protected at municipal level None 23
State Game Husbandries None 28
Strict nature reserve of national park None 17
Limited management zone of natural object protected at municipal level None 25
Site of Species Under Strict Protection None 279
National park None 19
Strict nature reserve of nature reserve None 10
Biotope Protection Order None 1023
Marine Nature Park None 8
Regional Nature Park None 60
Strict Reserve None 2
Temporary Protection Order None 233
Protected Habitat Type None 1197
Land acquired by a regional conservatory of natural areas None 1934
Forest Managed Biological Reserve None 181
Land acquired by Conservatoire du Littoral (national seaside and lakeside conservancy) None 797
Regional Nature Reserve None 179
Nature Monument / Private Nature Monument None 268
Protected Landscape Area; second level of protection None 14
Specialy Protected Area None 355
National Park; third level of protection None 9
Natura 2000 None 298
Protected Site / Private Protected Site None 192
Nature Reserve / Private Nature Reserve None 447
Protected perimeter around a national nature reserve None 16
Forest Integral Biological Reserve None 95
Geotope Protection Order None 4
National Park - Buffer zone/Area of adhesion None 11
Protected Mire None 163
Nature Reserve (Integral) None 19
Site of scientific interest None 91
Protection Plan None 184
Special Purpose Forest None 171
National Park - Integrale Reserve None 4
Rural Park None 7
Nature Reserve (Special ) None 17
Nature Reserve (Parcial) None 64
Nature Reserve (Wildlife) None 15
Nature Place (Local Interest) None 78
Cave None 134
Nacional Park None 16
Microreserve None 48
Periurban Park None 12
Wetland Site None 48
Protected Wetland None 5
Singular tree None 72
Fluvial Reserve None 5
Nature enclave None 28
Periurban Protected Area None 21
Corsican Nature Reserve None 7
National Hunting and Wildlife Reserve None 11
Natural habitats protection Order None 8
Natural Monument (National Interest) None 1
Ecological corridor None 4
Area of regional interest None 4
Nature Place None 33
Protected Biotop None 8
Site of national interest None 5
Natural Area (recreational) None 2
Animal Refuge None 1
National Park - Core Area None 11
Ecocultural corridor None 1
Integral Reserve None 3
Natural Area of Special Interest None 3
Natural Area (singular) None 5
Nature Reserve (Management) None 3
Old Growth Forest Reserve None 75
Grey Seal Protection Area None 7
Herb Rich Forest Reserve None 45
Federal Inventory of Fenlands of National Importance None 1335
Federal Inventory of Dry Grasslands and Pastures of National Importance None 3951
Not Assigned None 818
Natural Heritage Area None 155
Habitats or Species Management Protected Area None 54
Regional Protected Landscape None 3
Integral Natural Reserve None 6
Leisure and Mountain Reserve None 9
Natural park None 16
Scientific reserve None 4
Private Area (Ecological interest) None 1
Regional/Provincial Nature Reserve None 365
Buffer Zone of the National Park; second level/grade of protection None 9
Area of Cultural and Historical Importance None 29
State Forest Protected by Decision of the Forest and Park Service None 6
Regional Natural Park None 1
Partial Reserve None 9
Partial Nature Reserve None 1
Local Protected Landscape None 5
Silence and Tranquility Area None 4
Buffer Zone of a National Nature Reserve, Nature Reserve, National Nature Monument, Nature Monument; None 65
Public Recreation Area or Country Park None 26
Nature monuments None 6
Protected Landscape/Seascape None 3
Habitat protection None 4
Other Protected Natural Regional Areas None 171
Natural monument None 3
Protected habitat None 6
Landscape of Outstanding Qualities None 23
Botanical Reserve None 3
Geological and High Altitude Vegetation Reserve None 1
Protected feature None 1
Buffer Zone of a Protected Site None 6
Federal Inventory of Amphibian Spawning Areas of National Importance None 929
Reglemented drinking water protection zones None 62
Regional/Provincial Nature Park None 134
Natural Marine Reserve and Natural Protected Marine Areas None 29
Other None 48
Micro-reserve None 24
Protected Marine Area None 7
Federal Inventory of Alluvial Zones of National Importance None 326
Federal Inventory of Raised and Transitional Mires of National Importance None 551
Federal Inventory of Reserves for Waterbirds and Migratory Birds of International and National Imp. None 35
Federal Hunting Reserves None 42
International significance Natural Marine Area None 1
Forest Reserves None 2809
Nature conservation agreement, Swedish Forest Agency None 5442
Natura 2000 SPA None 554
Natura 2000 SCI None 4027
Agreement between government agencies None 54
Private Nature Reserves None 730
Nature conservation agreement, County Administrative Board None 284
Nature conservation agreement None 104
ZSC - Natura 2000 None 48
ZPS - Natura 2000 None 18
Biosphere polygon None 32
Habitat Protection Area None 8675
National city park None 1
Wildlife and Plant Sanctuary None 984
Nature Conservation Act None 161
Area of High Landscape Value None 14
Area of Ecological Importance/Site of Scientific Importance None 42
Tree Protection Area None 60
State Strict Reserve None 6
Site of Scientific Importance None 10
Special Areas of Conservation - International Importance None 40
List of Historical Trees Having an Antiquarian Importance None 6
Area of Ecological Importance None 24
Special Protection Areas None 22
Protected Beaches None 11
Special Areas of Conservation - National Importance None 10
Nature Reserves owned by professional nature management organizations None 12
Designated area not yet reviewed None 60
Recuperational plot None 3
No Berthing Zone/No Entry Zone except for Fisheries None 1
Nature Reserve (Islands) None 2
Special Area of Geological Importance None 1
Landscape with special features None 5
Strict Natural Reserve None 1
Nature Reserve (Filfla) None 1
Voluntary set-aside areas None 10
RAMSAR Sites None 11
Scientific Reserve CAR 8
National Protected Area None 20
Provincial Protected Area None 2
Botanical Reserve SAF 10
Provincially Owned Natural Area None 143
Provincial Wildlife Management Area None 44
Wilderness Area, Conservation Easement None 7
Ownership by Environmental Non-Governmental Organization None 663
Protected Natural Area None 219
Nature Legacy protected area None 521
Water fowl gathering area None 694
Muskrat habitat None 129
Proposed biodiversity reserve None 80
Proposed aquatic reserve None 12
Territorial reserve for protected area purposes None 87
Biodiversity reserve None 15
Old-growth forest None 154
Biological refuge None 2821
Core zone None 1
Swiss National Park None 1
Privately Owned Natural Area (INT) None 100
Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measure (OECM) None 69
Natural Area Under Private Stewardship None 294
Recreation Site None 92
Fee Simple Ownership None 21
Privately Owned Natural Area None 29
Marine National Reserve None 3
Nature Reserve of Defense None 13
Interjurisdictional Coastal Marine Park None 1
Wilderness Nature Reserve None 8
Marine Strict Nature Reserve None 2
Biological Reserve CAR 2
Educational Nature Reserve None 1
National Recreation Area CAR 4
Via Panoramica CAR 10
Interjurisdictional Marine Park None 2
Safari Area SAF 16
State Forest SAF 43
Recreation Park SAF 14
Wildlife Management Area SAF 104
Marine Sanctuary CAR 3
Marine National Park CAR 2
Marine Mammal Sanctuary CAR 2
State Wildlife Sanctuary (without formation of a legal entity) None 10
Ecological Corridor CAR 3
Conservation Concession None 1
Royal Reserve None 5
Nature Nursery None 1
State Biosphere Reserve None 2
State Wildlife Sanctuary (with formation of a legal entity) None 1
Complex (landscape) Wildlife Sanctuary None 1
Environmental Protected Area None 6
Marine Fisheries Reserved Area None 1
Non Hunting Area None 15
Mountain Range SAF 3
Partial Reserve SAF 2
Marine Conservation Area SAF 1
Marine and Coastal Resources Protected Area None 3
Marine Reserve/Marine Protected Area None 1
Conservation and Development Area SAF 1
Integral Nature Reserve SAF 2
Regional Nature Park SAF 1
Conservation zone in regional land use plan None 45
Wilderness Area SAF 1
Provincially Owned Conservation Area None 13
Botanical Garden SAF 10
Conservancy SAF 3
Privately Owned Conservation Area None 558
Island Marine and Coastal Resources Protected Area None 1
Privately Owned Conservation Area (INT) None 3
Research Station/Outdoor Education None 1
Provincially Regulated Conservation Area None 1
Municipal Heritage Area None 47
Privately Owned Old Growth Natural Forest None 1
Urban Park Authority None 13
Privately Owned Natural Area (NCC) None 30
Water Security Agency None 1
Wildlife Habitat Protection None 1
Flathead Watershed Area None 1
Muskwa-Kechika Special Wildland Areas None 1
Old Growth Management Areas (Mapped Legal) None 1
Sea To Sky Wildland Zones None 1
Wildlife Habitat Areas None 1
Heritage Conservation Zone in regional land use plan None 13
National Historic Site None 15
CBSA Conservation Area None 1
Forest Experimental Site None 1
National Research Forest None 1
Federal Real Property None 9
Wildlife Park None 2
Wilderness Reserve None 2
Privately Owned Natural Area (PEIWF) None 7
Privately Owned Natural Area (AFCC) None 1
Privately Owned Natural Area (INT & OTHERS) None 1
Privately Owned Natural Area (DUC) None 3
Recognized nature reserve None 254
Privately Owned Wildlife Management Area (INT) None 1
Nature Reserve, Conservation Easement None 2
Nature Reserve, Ownership by Environmental Non-Governmental Organization None 7
Wilderness Area, Ownership by Environmental Non-Governmental Organization None 6
Conservation Easement, Ownership by Environmental Non-Governmental Organization None 1
Nature Reserve, Wilderness Area None 2
Island or peninsula inhabited by a colony of birds None 106
Privately Protected Area None 94
Nature Preserve None 1436
Habitat of a threatened or vulnerable plant species None 31
White-tailed deer yard None 52
Habitat of a threatened or vulnerable wildlife species None 30
Quebec's national park None 33
Wildlife preserve None 9
Forest refuge None 18
Rare forest ecosystem None 70
Salt lick None 5
Heronry None 73
Proposed ecological reserve None 3
Quebec's national park reserve None 8
Cliff inhabited by a colony of birds None 6
Recreation Park None 26
A - Park None 725
Wildland Provincial Park None 41
NGO/Land Trust/Agency - Fee Simple Property None 673
Private Land None 405
Wilderness Park None 37
Conservancy None 221
National Marine Conservation Area None 4
Provincial Plan Protected Area None 3
Canadian Landmark None 2
Marine reserve None 2
Land set aside None 12
National Urban Park None 1
Protected Area - Far North None 4
NGO/Land Trust/Agency - Conservation Easement None 3
Crown Plan Protected Area None 3
Migratory Bird Sanctuary None 118
National Wildlife Area None 94
Valued Ecosystem None 3
Valued Natural Habitat None 18
Ecological Reserve / Traditional Use Planning Area None 1
Park Reserve None 1
Provincial Forest None 2
Ecological Reserve / Provincial Park None 1
City Park; Ecologically Signficant Natural Land None 3
Traditional Use Planning Area None 4
Ecological Station None 104
Historic Park None 9
Natural Environment Park None 12
Provincial Pasture None 112
Fish and Wildlife Development Fund Land None 129
Representative Area Ecological Reserve None 40
Private Conservation Lands None 1
Game Preserve None 27
Crown Conservation Easement None 8
Extractive Reserve None 96
Forest None 408
Provincial Recreation Area None 9
Heritage Rangeland None 3
Special Protection Natural Environment Park None 1
C - Park None 13
B - Park None 1
Area of Relevant Ecological Interest None 87
Natural Heritage Private Reserve None 1186
Fauna Production Reserve None 4
Wilderness Study Area None 528
To Be Determined None 6
Indigenous and Territorial Protected Area None 2
First Nation Settlement Land None 2
Land Use Exclusion Zone in Indigenous land use plan None 1
Protected Through Indigenous Land Claim Agreement - Heritage Resource None 1
Protected Through Indigenous Land Claim Agreement None 1
Territorial Park - Historic Park None 2
Marine Protected Area By Ministerial Order None 1
State Forest None 286
Marine National Wildlife Area None 1
Sustainable Development Reserve None 46
Waterfowl Production Area None 455
Bird Refuge None 5
National Conservation Area None 19
Critical Habitat Area None 16
State Marine Park None 33
National Recreation Area None 13
Community Protected Area None 3
Decentralised Autonomous Protected Area None 5
Ecological Area of Conservation None 2
Geobotanical Reserve None 1
Protected area None 4
Nature Tourism site None 1
State Wildlife Management Area None 2124
Refuge None 88
No recommendation None 9
Wilderness State Park None 1
Pond None 445
Lake None 770
Beach None 84
Natural History Reservation None 2
State Recreation Area None 48
Grove None 95
National Memorial None 5
Land And Water Reserve None 31
National Military Park None 2
State Game Sanctuary None 2
Game Refuge None 33
National Battlefield None 2
Wildlife/Recreation Management Area None 1
Research Natural Area None 535
Wildlife Area None 998
Wilderness None 505
Preserve None 2168
Audubon Society Preserve or Sanctuary None 25
Research or Educational Area None 2
Coastal Preserve None 5
Battlefield State Park None 2
State Nature Preserve None 54
Private Conservation Land None 1161
State Natural Area None 235
Bottom Fish Recovery Area None 8
Wild Forest None 52
State Wildlife Area None 171
Private Conservation None 3243
Habitat Area None 46
Mitigation Bank None 97
Wild River None 5
Recreation River None 6
National Preserve None 17
State Wildlife Reserve/Management Area None 134
State Habitat Area None 27
Forest Preserve None 168
Wild and Scenic River None 187
Fish And Wildlife Area None 23
Research Area None 11
Heritage Preserve None 38
State Conservation Area None 363
Designated - Wild None 53
Waterfowl Management Area None 6
Wildlife Management Area and Public Fishing Area None 1
Primitive Area None 21
Riparian & Big Game Habitat None 3
State Research Area None 15
State Historic Site None 32
Wildlife Habitat Management Area None 57
Local Conservation Area None 2260
State Natural Area Preserve None 68
Local Land Trust Preserve None 2
State Range Area None 2
PCL None 1088
National Monument Wilderness None 2
Memorial Forest None 26
National Natural Landmark None 18
Natural Resource Management Area None 11
State Natural Area (GADNR) None 5
Natural Environment Area None 8
Nature Center None 86
State Preserve None 79
Fishing Area None 3
Municipal Forest None 1
Small Game Habitat None 2
Aquatic Management Area None 320
Local Park None 22
Game Area None 80
TNC Preserve None 1
Waterfowl None 4
Easement None 1557
Local Lake None 3
Reservation None 171
Wildlife and Environmental Area None 9
Wildlife Management Area Other None 5
Designated - Recreational None 33
State Conservation Area or Park None 85
Other State Managed Area None 2
State Resource Management Area None 84
State Forest Preserve None 20
Non-suitable None 4
Resource Management Area None 2
Wildlife Center None 2
Fish and Wildlife purposes None 1
Wetlands Preserve None 20
Greenway None 133
Fort Fetterman None 1
Conservation Land None 67
Local Land Trust None 87
Big Game Habitat None 2
River Corridor None 15
Estuary or Marsh None 21
Open Space None 811
Scenic River None 25
Natural Preserve None 11
National Scenic Riverway None 7
Wildlife Habitat Area None 28
Experimental Forest None 4
Reservoir None 67
Geological Area None 2
Seabird Sanctuary None 38
Corridor None 84
Wilderness Preserve None 11
Natural Area Reserve None 22
Plant Sanctuary None 2
Memorial Preserve Trust None 1
Wildlife And Fish Refuge None 4
Game Farm None 1
Federal Aviation Administration None 1
Preserve State Park None 26
Buffer None 27
Island Reserve None 4
Private Other or Unknown None 3
Field None 51
State Historical Park None 2
Shoreline None 15
State Seabird Sanctuary None 1
Sinks Canyon None 1
Fishing Lake And Wildlife Area None 18
Conservation Preserve None 22
Wildlife Preserve None 58
Resort None 1
Scout Camp None 4
Scientific And Natural Area None 1
Campground None 37
State Wild or Scenic River None 43
Mitigation Site None 7
State Park And Historic Site None 1
Garden None 25
Trail None 130
Access None 319
National Fish Hatchery None 6
Species Preservation None 1
Dog Hunting Area None 8
National Forest None 10
Coastal Reserve None 20
Estuarine Research Reserve None 2
State Lands None 9
Outstanding Natural Area None 3
Designated - Scenic None 17
Fort Fred Steele None 1
Migratory Bird Management Area None 1
Game Range None 3
Lander Cemetary None 1
Little Medicine Wheel and Arrow None 1
Names Hill None 1
Winter Range And Wildlife Refuge None 2
Public Fishing Area None 5
Piedmont Kilns None 1
Geothermal Area None 1
Platte River Crossing None 1
Stage Station None 2
Red Buttes None 1
State Trust Lands None 2
Streamside Zone Withdrawal None 15
Memorial Parkway None 2
County Park None 36
South Pass City / Edness K Wilkins None 1
Battlefield None 11
Fort Bonneville None 1
Fort Bridger None 1
Hawk Springs None 1
Big Sandy Pony Express Station None 1
Fort Phil Kearny None 1
Fort Reno None 1
Independence Rock None 1
South Pass City None 1
Trail End None 1
Wagon Box None 1
Legend Rock None 1
Natural Zone None 1
Monument None 6
Historical Marker None 1
Greenbelt None 134
Watershed & Utility Lands None 1
Water Works None 2
Watersheds None 4
Scenic Corridor None 1
Utility Dist None 1
Wetland Preserve None 22
Marine Park Addition None 1
Pool None 14
Estuary None 24
Tidelands None 4
Surge Plain None 1
Area of Critical Environmental Concern None 4
Road Monitor None 2
Wildlife Corridor None 10
Historical Society None 4
Trust Land None 1
Wildlife Area Complex None 19
Natural Area Preserve None 55
Nature Conservancy Fee Land None 1
Natural Resources Conservation Area None 32
County Conservation Land None 5
Marine Preserve None 2
Library None 1
Botanical Preserve None 2
Gardens None 29
Trails None 15
Mitigation None 52
Restoration Area None 3
Arboretum None 40
Fish Hatchery None 6
Botanical Area None 8
Cemetery None 11
Boat Landing None 1
County Managed Area None 148
School None 49
Mitigation Land None 3
Biological Station None 6
Nature Area None 116
City Natural Area None 63
Sanctuary Natural Area None 1
Base None 4
Path None 13
Natural Heritage Landmark None 2
Wildlife Habitat None 14
Research Station None 3
Access Area None 10
Watershed Protection None 309
Reserve Program None 2342
Fishing Access None 7
Wildlife And Natural Area None 2
Fee Simple None 12
Beach Park None 8
State Game Land None 2
Parkland None 61
State Forest Nursery None 2
Club None 69
Natural Area State Park None 1
Conservation Area State Park None 3
Environmental System None 234
Local Other or Unknown None 170
Unique Area None 30
City Nature Center/Preserve None 3
Town Forest None 23
Wildlife Sanctuaries None 1
Wild Bird Sanctuary None 2
Museum None 7
Memorial Wildlife Refuge None 5
Fields None 26
Wooded Lot None 91
Parkway None 13
Memorial Land None 19
Memorial Tract None 2
Country Club None 5
Waterfowl Habitat None 1
Research Center None 3
Local Land Trust Lands None 21
Forest Management Area None 3
Reforestation Area None 1
Ecoreserve None 1
Wetland Area None 6
College None 18
Theater None 1
Heritage Conservation None 30
Wildflower Sanctuary None 1
Natural Area Site None 3
Unknown None 21
State Park Trail None 2
State Natural Site None 11
Wildife Habitat Area None 1
Migration Corridor None 1
Non-Governmental Preserve None 2
County Natural Area None 4
Local Land Trust Park None 3
National Land Trust Lands None 4
Botanical State Park None 2
City Beach None 1
Greenbelt Park None 2
Audubon Society Sanctuary or Preserve None 3
Biological Preserve None 4
Anadromous Spawning Area None 4
City Managed Area None 3
Conservation Lands None 1
Marina None 2
Local Recreation Area None 3
Mitigation Area None 88
County Nature Center/Preserve None 1
Environmental Center None 5
City Preserve None 6
Non-Governmental Lands None 45
County Preserve None 5
National Estuarine Research Reserve None 13
Recreation Management Area None 1
Regional (Metro District) Natural Area None 3
Nature Center and Planetarium None 1
Nature Center and Wetlands None 1
National Scenic or Historic Trail None 1
Mitigation Park None 2
Other Private Managed Area None 3
Private Preserve None 4
Research Station and Land Conservancy None 1
State University Managed Area None 15
DGIF Land Holding None 1
Wetlands Bank None 1
Local Land Trust Land None 1
Watershed Management Area None 1
Proposed Wilderness None 19
Island / Marshland None 1
Hunting Lease None 1
Wildlife State Park None 1
Game Field None 4
Satellite Center None 1
Restrictive Covenant (DOD/DOE) None 36
Wetland Preserve Tract None 1
Greenspace None 38
Recommended None 1
Recommended Wilderness None 9
National Wild and Scenic River None 2
Parkway Mitigation None 1
Protection Area (National) None 4
County Preserve or Natural Area None 8
Wetland Mitigation Bank None 3
Utility District None 1
Riparian Habitat None 2
University System of Georgia Board of Regents (BOR) None 8
Military Reservation None 2
Regional Preserve None 3
Cardwell Hill (Crisp-Liddell) None 1
Park Site None 6
Still Hunting Area None 9
State Conservation Land None 3
City Forest None 1
Community Garden None 3
Watershed Preserve None 6
Restoration Site None 1
Gila Topminnow None 1
Wildlife Conservation Easement None 1
Preservation Site None 4
Private Nature Preserve None 5
Nature Trail None 6
State Other or Unknown None 2
Evergreen Creek Acquisition None 1
Riparian None 1
Tnc Easement None 1
Wildlife Habitat Protection Area None 1
Trail Easement None 3
Hatchery None 3
County Historic Site None 1
City Preserve or Natural Area None 2
Cave Protection Area None 1
Tnc Conservation Easement None 1
University Biological Preserve None 1
Hart Camp None 1
HD Summit None 1
Road Mitigation None 7
Maritime Forest None 1
Airport None 7
Habitat None 2
Protection Area (Administrative) None 2
Preserve Easement None 3
Wild & Scenic River Corridor None 4
Izzenhood Ranch None 1
Ecological Research Center None 1
City Lake None 13
Lagomarsino Wildlife Management Unit None 1
Conservation Education Center None 1
Zoological Area None 3
Botanical Gardens None 7
Nature Center and Trails None 1
Riverway None 3
Land Trust Site None 1
Lupine Meadows None 1
Other NPS Protected Area None 1
Unspecified Water Management Land None 1
Golf Course None 15
National Estuarine Research Reserve / Research None 1
Private With Easement or Covenant None 1
Oxbow Nature Study Area/Doyle Island None 1
Recreation None 17
Admin Site None 1
County Hunting Land None 1
Wetlands Park None 3
Handicap Area None 2
Habitat, NRDAR Settlement None 1
Non-game None 1
Riparian Area management None 2
Conservation Area (GADNR) None 1
Snowstorm Wildlife Management Unit None 1
Private Without Easement or Covenant None 1
Beach Dunes None 1
Greentree None 2
Future Park None 3
Jackson Hole Land Trust None 1
NO Hunting None 1
National Wild & Scenic River None 1
Research Center / Fish Hatchery None 1
City Green Space None 1
National Volcanic Monument None 1
Wildlife Preserve & Park None 1
State Unique Area None 1
Research Forest None 1
Beach Dunes and Groins None 1
Restricted Area None 6
Agricultural Lands None 2
Archaeological Preserve State Park None 1
Battleground None 1
Botanical/Arboretum Garden None 3
City Wetland None 1
Community Center None 4
Community Park None 2
County Farm None 3
Dog Park None 3
Environmental Study Area None 1
Education Center None 1
Experimental Research Area None 1
Forest Management None 10
Historic State Park None 1
Heritage Area None 4
Local Non-Profit Conservation Area None 1
Local Resource Management Area None 4
Managment Area None 1
National Seashore None 11
National Lakeshore None 2
National Historic Landmark None 3
National Scenic Trail None 1
Natural Resource Area None 10
Playground None 12
NGO Preserve None 3
Non-Profit Fee Simple Holding None 1
Plant Preserve None 13
Other/Unknown None 1
Private - Restriction Unknown None 1
Track None 4
Water Body None 1
Registered Natural Area None 1
Regional Open Space None 1
Research Farm None 2
Rifle Range None 1
Sports Complex None 1
State Buffer Preserve None 1
Camp None 2
State Farm None 1
Wildlife Santuary None 1
State Multiple Use Area None 11
State Owned Tidal Lands None 1
State Wayside None 1
State Wilderness None 4
Trail Corridor None 15
Treatment Plant None 2
Trail Park None 7
Access Site None 1
Athletic Complex None 1
Conservation None 3
Fairgrounds None 2
Garden Park None 2
Gardens Park None 1
Greens None 3
Historical Site None 1
History Museum None 1
NAP Natural Land None 1
National Recreation River None 1
National Scenic River None 2
Private Conserrvation None 1
Private Conservancy None 1
Farm None 1
Promenade None 1
Recreation Center None 5
Soccer Complex None 1
Tennis Courts None 1
Tidal Marsh None 1
Tot Lot None 3
Trails Park None 2
Treatment Facility None 1
Viewpoint None 1
Water District None 4
Waterfront Park None 1
wetland and fishing location None 1
Fishery Resource Conservation Area None 30
Urban Natural Park Areas None 13
Special Island None 183
Baekdudaegan Mountains Reserve None 1
Catchment Reserve Protection Area None 1116
Urban Preserve None 2
Forest Nature Reserve SAF 57
Natural Features Reserve None 2504
Nature Refuge None 542
Metropark None 3
Botanical Garden None 1
Water based Special Biodiversity Conservation Area None 1
Parks and Rec None 3
Communal Conservancy SAF 86
Marine Protected Area SAF 43
Recreation Facility None 1
Indigenous Protected Area None 91
Non-Profit Fee-Simple Holding None 1
Wilderness Zone None 20
Rec Complex None 1
Ski Area None 1
Schools None 1
Wildlife Protection Area None 396
Senior Center None 1
Amphitheater None 1
Park and Rookery None 1
Coral Reef Area None 16
Experimental Range None 1
Fenced Area None 3
Area of Special Scientific Interest under Wildlife Act 1990 None 25
Bird Sanctuary under the Wild Birds Protection Act 1932 None 5
National Nature Reserve under Wildlife Act 1990 None 1
Area of Special Protection for Birds under Wildlife Act 1990 None 1
Community Forest SAF 36
Concession SAF 7
Private Reserve SAF 2
Forest Genetic Resources Reserve None 358
Disaster Prevention Reserve None 96
Ecosystem and Landscape Conservation Area None 31
Marine Protected Area(Marine Organism) None 2
Life environment reserve None 1
Special measure areas None 2
Life environment reserve None 1
Wetland Protected Area - Tidal Flat None 13
Scenic Site None 113
Water Source Protection Area None 294
Riparian Buffer Zone None 4
Environment Conservation Marine Area None 4
Protected Environment SAF 54
Wildlife Special Protection Area None 1
Natural Environment Conservation Areas None 1
Mountain Catchment Area SAF 16
Special Nature Reserve SAF 2
Forest Wilderness Area SAF 12
Wildlife (Dolphin) Sanctuary None 9
Heritage Agreement None 1560
Special Biodiversity Conservation Area None 1
Eco Park None 3
5(1)(h) Reserve None 128
Resources Reserve None 47
National Parks Act Schedule 4 park or reserve None 7
Flora Reserve None 75
Regional Reserve None 155
Private Sanctuary None 9
National Park (Commonwealth) None 9
Reference Area None 144
Nature Recreation Area None 25
Marine Sanctuary None 11
National Park Aboriginal None 30
Fish Habitat Area (B) None 36
5(1)(g) Reserve None 45
Wilderness Protection Area None 14
Fish Habitat Area (A) None 55
Aquatic Reserve None 14
Remote and Natural Area - Schedule 6, National Parks Act None 22
Heritage River None 18
Permanent Park Preserve None 1
Other Conservation Area None 7
Botanic Gardens (Commonwealth) None 3
Historical Reserve None 5
Proposed National Parks Act park or park addition None 6
Other Conservation Area or Nature Park None 2
NRS Addition - Gazettal in Progress None 74
Australian Marine Park None 107
Antarctic Specially Protected Area None 14
Natural Catchment Area None 25
Remote and Natural Area - not scheduled under Nat Parks Act None 2
Coordinated Conservation Area None 2
CCA Zone 1 National Park None 34
Karst Conservation Reserve None 4
CCA Zone 3 State Conservation Area None 23
Antarctic Specially Managed Area None 1
Aboriginal Area None 3
Commonwealth Marine Reserve None 1
National Park (Scientific) None 9
Botanic Gardens None 2
Management Area None 6
Proposed Nature Reserve None 6
Special Conservation Area None 10
Wetland Reserve None 1
Ancestral Domain None 1
Conserved habitat None 1
Historical and Cultural Heritage Site None 1
Wampis Territory (non-state protected area) None 1
Living Forest of Sarayaku (Non-state protected area) None 1
Living Forest of Sarayaku None 1
Natural Monument (Local) None 138
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) None 86
Strict Protected Area None 1
Multiple Use Planning Area None 1
Other Area WAF 3
Reforestation Area WAF 7
Controlled Forest PAC 2
Sacred Forest WAF 14
Botanic Garden WAF 1
Scenery Reserve None 1
Game Management Area None 2
State Botanical Garden None 16
Regional Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art None 274
State Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art None 78
Natural Monument SAF 16
Conservation Area SAF 2
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve PAC 3
Special Area None 1
Satellite Reserve WAF 1
Collaborative Fishery Management Area EAF 1
Territorial Reserve None 2
Locally Managed Marine Area EAF 10
Natural Landmark CAR 4
Recreational Area CAR 3
Recreational Aeea CAR 1
Natrual Landmark CAR 1
Recreation Area CAR 1
Natural LandMark CAR 1
Nature Conservation Area EAF 4
Bird Sanctuary EAF 5
Managed Nature Reserve EAF 1
Other Area PAC 8
Recreational Reserve PAC 3
Faunal Reserve PAC 3
Marine Project PAC 1
Turtle Reserve SAF 2
Fishing Reserve SAF 1
Private Reserve EAF 16
Bird Reserve PAC 1
Closed Area PAC 4
Marine Multiple Use Reserve None 1
Scientific Use Area Under Special Protection None 1
Natural Tourist Reserve None 5
Ictica Natural Reserve None 1
Private Nature Refuge None 1
Rural School Park None 1
Provincial Flora and Fauna Reserve None 1
Public Tourist Park None 1
Conservation Unit None 1
Ictica Reserve None 1
Natural reserve None 1
Nature Reserve CAF 1
Sanctuary CAF 1
Other Area EAF 3
Community Based Fishery PAC 59
Habitat and species management reserve WAF 1
Natural Monument WAF 6
Sacred site WAF 178
Breeding Station None 1
Private Ranch None 1
Protected and National Park None 1
State Botanical Garden None 3
Experimental Botanical Garden None 2
Wildlife Monument None 4
Natural Complex None 1
Unique Forest Plantations None 2
Natural-Historic Complex None 1
Protected Object None 1
Natural Landmark None 1
Locally-managed Marine Protected Area None 117
Area designated by prefecture, fishery operator group, etc. None 31
Protected Forest SAF 6
National Monument SAF 1
Use the API:

If functions' parameters are not compulsory try to call the function without arguemnts:

If function parameters are compulsory, put them after the last slash separated by commas if more than one:
Optional Arguments

Filter returned fields in the url query using field names separated by comma, eg:,field_name2,...

Limit returned records in the url query using the limit parameter, eg:
or remove the limit argument to display all of them (might take some time for large datasets).
By default limit is set to 50 records.

Please read the comment on function on how to use properly this API or for parameters default/examples values.