
In this page you will find all the availabe APIs for Protected Area Management Effectiveness

api_assessments_count_by function

Returns a count of the assessments grouped by region/country/year/methodology

api_assessments_count_by function

Returns a count of the assessments grouped (and, optionally, filtered) by region/country/year/methodology.

api_bbox_for_countries_dateline_safe function

Returns the bounding box in WKT format for the countries passed as pipe separated ISO3 country codes

api_bbox_for_countries_dateline_safe function

Returns the bounding box in WKT format for the countries passed as comma separated ISO3 country codes

api_gd_pame_acp function


api_total_assessments_count function

Returns a count of the assessments for acp/non-acp countries.

api_wdpa_by_country function

Returns a set of wdpa (id, name) for the specified countriy.

api_wdpa_extent function

Returns a PA and some details based on the given WDPAID